Relativity, wide-ranging
physical theories formed by the German-born physicist Albert
Einstein. With his theories of special
relativity (1905) and general
relativity (1915), Einstein overthrew many assumptions underlying
earlier physical theories, redefining in the process the fundamental
concepts of space,
time, matter,
energy, and
Along with quantum
mechanics, relativity is central to modern physics.
In particular, relativity provides the basis for understanding cosmic
processes and the geometry of the universe
itself.“Special relativity” is limited to objects that are moving with respect to inertial frames of reference—i.e, in a state of uniform motion with respect to one another such that an observer cannot, by purely mechanical experiments, distinguish one from the other. Beginning with the behaviour of light (and all other electromagnetic radiation), the theory of special relativity draws conclusions that are contrary to everyday experience but fully confirmed by experiments. Special relativity revealed that the speed of light is a limit that can be approached but not reached by any material object; it is the origin of the most famous equation in science, E = mc2; and it has led to other tantalizing outcomes, such as the “twin paradox.”
“General relativity” is concerned with gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the universe. (The others are electricity and magnetism, which have been unified as electromagnetism, the strong force, and the weak force.) Gravity defines macroscopic behaviour, and so general relativity describes large-scale physical phenomena such as planetary dynamics, the birth and death of stars, black holes, and the evolution of the universe.
Special and general
relativity have profoundly affected physical
science and human existence, most dramatically in applications of
energy and nuclear
weapons. Additionally, relativity and its rethinking of the
fundamental categories of space and time have provided a basis for
certain philosophical, social, and artistic interpretations that have
influenced human culture
in different ways.
Cosmology before relativity
The mechanical universe
Relativity changed the scientific conception of the universe, which began in efforts to grasp the dynamic behaviour of matter. In Renaissance times, the great Italian physicist Galileo Galilei moved beyond Aristotle’s philosophy to introduce the modern study of mechanics, which requires quantitative measurements of bodies moving in space and time. His work and that of others led to basic concepts, such as velocity, which is the distance a body covers in a given direction per unit time; acceleration, the rate of change of velocity; mass, the amount of material in a body; and force, a push or pull on a body.The next major stride occurred in the late 17th century, when the British scientific genius Isaac Newton formulated his three famous laws of motion, the first and second of which are of special concern in relativity. Newton’s first law, known as the law of inertia, states that a body that is not acted upon by external forces undergoes no acceleration—either remaining at rest or continuing to move in a straight line at constant speed. Newton’s second law states that a force applied to a body changes its velocity by producing an acceleration that is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. In constructing his system, Newton also defined space and time, taking both to be absolutes that are unaffected by anything external. Time, he wrote, “flows equably,” while space “remains always similar and immovable.”
Newton’s laws proved valid in every application, as in calculating the behaviour of falling bodies, but they also provided the framework for his landmark law of gravity (the term, derived from the Latin gravis, or “heavy,” had been in use since at least the 16th century). Beginning with the (perhaps mythical) observation of a falling apple and then considering the Moon as it orbits Earth, Newton concluded that an invisible force acts between the Sun and its planets. He formulated a comparatively simple mathematical expression for the gravitational force; it states that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that operates through empty space and that varies with the masses of the objects and the distance between them.
The law of gravity
was brilliantly successful in explaining the mechanism behind
laws of planetary motion, which the German astronomer Johannes
Kepler had formulated at the beginning of the 17th century.
Newton’s mechanics and law of gravity, along with his assumptions
about the nature of space and time, seemed wholly successful in
explaining the dynamics
of the universe, from motion on Earth to cosmic events.
Light and the ether
However, this success at explaining natural phenomena came to be tested from an unexpected direction—the behaviour of light, whose intangible nature had puzzled philosophers and scientists for centuries. In 1865 the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell showed that light is an electromagnetic wave with oscillating electrical and magnetic components. Maxwell’s equations predicted that electromagnetic waves would travel through empty space at a speed of almost exactly 3 × 108 metres per second (186,000 miles per second)—i.e., according with the measured speed of light. Experiments soon confirmed the electromagnetic nature of light and established its speed as a fundamental parameter of the universe.Maxwell’s remarkable result answered long-standing questions about light, but it raised another fundamental issue: if light is a moving wave, what medium supports it? Ocean waves and sound waves consist of the progressive oscillatory motion of molecules of water and of atmospheric gases, respectively. But what is it that vibrates to make a moving light wave? Or to put it another way, how does the energy embodied in light travel from point to point?
For Maxwell and other scientists of the time, the answer was that light traveled in a hypothetical medium called the ether (aether). Supposedly, this medium permeated all space without impeding the motion of planets and stars; yet it had to be more rigid than steel so that light waves could move through it at high speed, in the same way that a taut guitar string supports fast mechanical vibrations. Despite this contradiction, the idea of the ether seemed essential—until a definitive experiment disproved it.
In 1887 the German-born American physicist A.A. Michelson and the American chemist Edward Morley made exquisitely precise measurements to determine how Earth’s motion through the ether affected the measured speed of light. In classical mechanics, Earth’s movement would add to or subtract from the measured speed of light waves, just as the speed of a ship would add to or subtract from the speed of ocean waves as measured from the ship. But the Michelson-Morley experiment had an unexpected outcome, for the measured speed of light remained the same regardless of Earth’s motion. This could only mean that the ether had no meaning and that the behaviour of light could not be explained by classical physics. The explanation emerged, instead, from Einstein’s theory of special relativity.
Special relativity
Einstein’s Gedankenexperiments
Scientists such as Austrian physicist Ernst Mach and French mathematician Henri PoincarĂ© had critiqued classical mechanics or contemplated the behaviour of light and the meaning of the ether before Einstein. Their efforts provided a background for Einstein’s unique approach to understanding the universe, which he called in his native German a Gedankenexperiment, or “thought experiment.”Einstein described how at age 16 he watched himself in his mind’s eye as he rode on a light wave and gazed at another light wave moving parallel to his. According to classical physics, Einstein should have seen the second light wave moving at a relative speed of zero. However, Einstein knew that Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations absolutely require that light always move at 3 × 108 metres per second in a vacuum. Nothing in the theory allows a light wave to have a speed of zero. Another problem arose as well: if a fixed observer sees light as having a speed of 3 × 108 metres per second, whereas an observer moving at the speed of light sees light as having a speed of zero, it would mean that the laws of electromagnetism depend on the observer. But in classical mechanics the same laws apply for all observers, and Einstein saw no reason why the electromagnetic laws should not be equally universal. The constancy of the speed of light and the universality of the laws of physics for all observers are cornerstones of special relativity.
In developing
special relativity, Einstein began by accepting what experiment and
his own thinking showed to be the true behaviour of light, even when
this contradicted classical physics or the usual perceptions about
the world.
The fact that the
speed of light is the same for all observers is inexplicable in
ordinary terms. If a passenger in a train moving at 100 km per hour
shoots an arrow in the train’s direction of motion
at 200 km per hour, a trackside observer would measure the speed of
the arrow as the sum of the two speeds, or 300 km per hour. In
if the train moves at the speed of light and a passenger shines a
laser in the same direction, then common sense indicates that a
trackside observer should see the light moving at the sum of the two
speeds, or twice the speed of light (6 × 108 metres per
Nevertheless, Einstein made the constancy of the speed of light for all observers a postulate of his new theory. As a second postulate, he required that the laws of physics have the same form for all observers. Then Einstein extended his postulates to their logical conclusions to form special relativity.
Consequences of the postulates
Relativistic space and time
In order to make the speed of light constant, Einstein replaced absolute space and time with new definitions that depend on the state of motion of an observer. Einstein explained his approach by considering two observers and a train. One observer stands alongside a straight track; the other rides a train moving at constant speed along the track. Each views the world relative to his own surroundings. The fixed observer measures distance from a mark inscribed on the track and measures time with his watch; the train passenger measures distance from a mark inscribed on his railroad car and measures time with his own watch.
If time flows the
same for both observers, as Newton believed, then the two frames of
reference are reconciled
by the relation: x′ = x − vt. Here x
is the distance to some specific event that happens along the track,
as measured by the fixed observer; x′ is the distance to
the same event as measured by the moving observer; v is the
speed of the train—that is, the speed of one observer relative to
the other; and t is the time at which the event happens, the
same for both observers. For example, suppose the train moves at 40
km per hour. One hour after it sets out, a tree 60 km from the
train’s starting point is struck by lightning. The fixed observer
measures x as 60 km and t as one hour. The moving
observer also measures t as one hour, and so, according to
Newton’s equation, he measures x′ as 20 km.
This analysis seems obvious, but Einstein saw a subtlety hidden in
its underlying assumptions—in particular, the issue of
The two people do not actually observe the lightning strike at the
same time. Even at the speed of light, the image of the strike takes
time to reach each observer, and, since each is at a different
distance from the event, the travel times differ. Taking this insight
further, suppose lightning strikes two trees, one 60 km ahead of the
fixed observer and the other 60 km behind, exactly as the moving
observer passes the fixed observer. Each image travels the same
distance to the fixed observer, and so he certainly sees the events
simultaneously. The motion of the moving observer brings him closer
to one event than the other, however, and he thus sees the events at
different times.
Einstein concluded
that simultaneity is relative; events that are simultaneous for one
observer may not be for another. This led him to the counterintuitive
idea that time flows differently according to the state of motion and
to the conclusion that distance is also relative. In the example, the
train passenger and the fixed observer can each stretch a tape
measure from back to front of a railroad car to find its length. The
two ends of the tape must be placed in position at the same
instant—that is, simultaneously—to obtain a true value. However,
because the meaning of simultaneous is different for the two
observers, they measure different lengths.
after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, who first proposed them. They are:

where t′ is time as measured by the moving observer and c is the speed of light.
From these equations, Einstein derived a new relationship that replaces the classical law of addition of velocities,

where u and u′ are the speed of any moving object as seen by each observer and v is again the speed of one observer relative to the other. This relation guarantees Einstein’s first postulate (that the speed of light is constant for all observers). In the case of the flashlight beam projected from a train moving at the speed of light, an observer on the train measures the speed of the beam as c. According to the equation above, so does the trackside observer, instead of the value 2c that classical physics predicts.
To make the speed of light constant, the theory requires that space and time change in a moving body, according to its speed, as seen by an outside observer. The body becomes shorter along its direction of motion; that is, its length contracts. Time intervals become longer, meaning that time runs more slowly in a moving body; that is, time dilates. In the train example, the person next to the track measures a shorter length for the train and a longer time interval for clocks on the train than does the train passenger. The relations describing these changes are

where L0 and T0, called proper length and proper time, respectively, are the values measured by an observer on the moving body, and L and T are the corresponding quantities as measured by a fixed observer.
The relativistic
effects become large at speeds near that of light, although it is
worth noting again that they appear only when an observer looks at a
moving body. He never sees changes in space or time within his own
frame (whether on a train or spacecraft), even at the speed of
light. These effects do not appear in ordinary life, because the
factor v2/c2 is minute at
even the highest speeds attained by humans, so that Einstein’s
equations become virtually the same as the classical ones.
Relativistic mass
Cosmic speed limit
To derive further results, Einstein combined his redefinitions of time and space with two powerful physical principles: conservation of energy and conservation of mass, which state that the total amount of each remains constant in a closed system. Einstein’s second postulate ensured that these laws remained valid for all observers in the new theory, and he used them to derive the relativistic meanings of mass and energy.One result is that the mass of a body increases with its speed. An observer on a moving body, such as a spacecraft, measures its so-called rest mass m0, while a fixed observer measures its mass m as

which is greater than m0. In fact, as the spacecraft’s speed approaches that of light, the mass m approaches infinity. However, as the object’s mass increases, so does the energy required to keep accelerating it; thus, it would take infinite energy to accelerate a material body to the speed of light. For this reason, no material object can reach the speed of light, which is the speed limit for the universe. (Light itself can attain this speed because the rest mass of a photon, the quantum particle of light, is zero.)
E = mc2
Einstein’s treatment of mass showed that the increased relativistic mass comes from the energy of motion of the body—that is, its kinetic energy E—divided by c2. This is the origin of the famous equation E = mc2, which expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other.The twin paradox
The counterintuitive nature of Einstein’s ideas makes them difficult to absorb and gives rise to situations that seem unfathomable. One well-known case is the twin paradox, a seeming anomaly in how special relativity describes time.Suppose that one of two identical twin sisters flies off into space at nearly the speed of light. According to relativity, time runs more slowly on her spacecraft than on Earth; therefore, when she returns to Earth, she will be younger than her Earth-bound sister. But in relativity, what one observer sees as happening to a second one, the second one sees as happening to the first one. To the space-going sister, time moves more slowly on Earth than in her spacecraft; when she returns, her Earth-bound sister is the one who is younger. How can the space-going twin be both younger and older than her Earth-bound sister?
The answer is that the paradox is only apparent, for the situation is not appropriately treated by special relativity. To return to Earth, the spacecraft must change direction, which violates the condition of steady straight-line motion central to special relativity. A full treatment requires general relativity, which shows that there would be an asymmetrical change in time between the two sisters. Thus, the “paradox” does not cast doubt on how special relativity describes time, which has been confirmed by numerous experiments.
Four-dimensional space-time
Special relativity is less definite than classical physics in that both the distance D and time interval T between two events depend on the observer. Einstein noted, however, that a particular combination of D and T, the quantity D2 − c2T2, has the same value for all observers.The term cT in this invariant quantity elevates time to a kind of mathematical parity with space. Noting this, the German mathematical physicist Hermann Minkowski showed that the universe resembles a four-dimensional structure with coordinates x, y, z, and ct representing length, width, height, and time, respectively. Hence, the universe can be described as a four-dimensional space-time continuum, a central concept in general relativity.
Experimental evidence for special relativity
Because relativistic changes are small at typical speeds for macroscopic objects, the confirmation of special relativity has relied on either the examination of subatomic bodies at high speeds or the measurement of small changes by sensitive instrumentation. For example, ultra-accurate clocks were placed on a variety of commercial airliners flying at one-millionth the speed of light. After two days of continuous flight, the time shown by the airborne clocks differed by fractions of a microsecond from that shown by a synchronized clock left on Earth, as predicted.Larger effects are seen with elementary particles moving at speeds close to that of light. One such experiment involved muons, elementary particles created by cosmic rays in Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of about 9 km (30,000 feet). At 99.8 percent of the speed of light, the muons should reach sea level in 31 microseconds, but measurements showed that it took only 2 microseconds. The reason is that, relative to the moving muons, the distance of 9 km contracted to 0.58 km (1,900 feet). Similarly, a relativistic mass increase has been confirmed in measurements on fast-moving elementary particles, where the change is large (see below Particle accelerators).
Such results leave no doubt that special relativity correctly describes the universe, although the theory is difficult to accept at a visceral level. Some insight comes from Einstein’s comment that in relativity the limiting speed of light plays the role of an infinite speed. At infinite speed, light would traverse any distance in zero time. Similarly, according to the relativistic equations, an observer riding a light wave would see lengths contract to zero and clocks stop ticking as the universe approached him at the speed of light. Effectively, relativity replaces an infinite speed limit with the finite value of 3 × 108 metres per second.
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