Chemistry of Uranium ore processing
Primary uranium minerals,
include uraninite and pitchblende (the latter a variety of uraninite). The
uranium in these two ores occurs in the form of uranium dioxide,
which—owing to oxidation—can vary in exact chemical composition from UO2 to UO2.67. Other
uranium ores of economic importance are autunite, a hydrated calcium uranyl
phosphate; tobernite, a hydrated copper uranyl phosphate; coffinite, a black
hydrated uranium silicate; and carnotite, a yellow hydrated potassium uranyl
Uranium ores occur in deposits that are
both near-surface and very deep (e.g., 300
to 1,200 metres, ). The deep ores sometimes occur in seams as thick as 30
Roasted uranium ores are
leached of their uranium values by both acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions.
For the successful operation of all leaching systems, uranium must either be
initially present in the more stable hexavalent state or be oxidized to that
state in the leaching process.
Acid leaching is commonly
performed by agitating an ore-leach mixture for 4 to as long as 48 hours at
ambient temperature. Except in special circumstances, sulfuric acid is
the leachant used; it is supplied in amounts sufficient to obtain a final leach
liquor at about pH 1.5. Sulfuric acid leaching circuits commonly employ either
manganese dioxide or chlorate ion to oxidize the tetravalent uranium ion (U4+)
to the hexavalent uranyl ion (UO22+).
Typically, about 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of manganese dioxide or 1.5 kilograms
of sodium chlorate per ton suffice to
oxidize tetravalent uranium. In any case, the oxidized uranium reacts with the
sulfuric acid to form a uranyl sulfate complex
anion, [UO2(SO4)3]4-.
Uranium ores that contain
significant amounts of basic minerals such as calcite or dolomite are leached
with 0.5 to 1 molar sodium carbonate solutions. Although a variety of reagents
has been studied and tested, oxygen is the uranium oxidant of choice.
Typically, candidate ores are leached in air at atmospheric pressure and
at 75° to 80° C (167° to 175° F) for periods that vary with the particular ore.
The alkaline leachant reacts with uranium to form a readily soluble uranyl carbonate complex ion, [UO2(CO3)3]4-.
The complex ions [UO2(CO3)3]4- and
[UO2(SO4)3]4- can be sorbed from their respective leach solutions by ion-exchange resins. These special resins—characterized
by their sorption and elution kinetics, particle size, stability, and hydraulic
properties—can be used in a variety of processing equipment—e.g., fixed-bed,
moving-bed, basket resin-in-pulp, and continuous resin-in-pulp. Conventionally,
sodium and ammonium
chloride or nitrate solutions are then used to elute the sorbed
uranium from the exchange resins.
Uranium can also be removed from acidic ore leach-liquors
through solvent extraction. In industrial methods, alkyl
phosphoric acids—e.g., di(2-ethylhexyl)
phosphoric acid—and secondary and tertiary alkyl amines are the usual solvents.
As a general rule, solvent extraction is preferred over ion-exchange methods
for acidic leachates containing more than one gram of uranium per litre.
Solvent extraction is not useful for recovery of uranium from carbonate leach
liquors, however.
Prior to final purification,
uranium present in acidic solutions produced by the ion-exchange or
solvent-extraction processes described above, as well as uranium dissolved in
carbonate ore leach solutions, is typically precipitated as a polyuranate. From acidic solutions, uranium is precipitated
by addition of neutralizers such as sodium hydroxide, magnesia, or (most
commonly) aqueous ammonia. Uranium is usually precipitated as ammonium
diuranate, (NH4)2U2O7. From alkaline solutions, uranium is most often
precipitated by addition of sodium hydroxide, producing an insoluble sodium
diuranate, Na2U2O7. It can also be precipitated by acidification
(to remove carbon dioxide) and then neutralization (to remove the uranium) or
by reduction to less soluble tetravalent uranium. In all cases, the final
uranium precipitate, commonly referred to as yellow cake, is dried. In some
cases—e.g., with
ammonium diuranate—the yellow cake is ignited, driving off the ammonia and
oxidizing the uranium to produce uranium trioxide (UO3)
or the more complex triuranium octoxide (U3O8).
In all cases, the final product is shipped to a central uranium-purification
Uranium meeting
nuclear-grade specifications is usually obtained from yellow cake through
a tributyl phosphate solvent-extraction
process. First, the yellow cake is dissolved in nitric
acid to prepare a feed solution. Uranium is then
selectively extracted from this acid feed by tributyl phosphate diluted with
kerosene or some other suitable hydrocarbon mixture. Finally, uranium is
stripped from the tributyl phosphate extract into acidified water to yield a
highly purified uranyl nitrate, UO2(NO3)2.
Uranyl nitrate is produced by the ore-processing operations
described above as well as by solvent extraction from irradiated nuclear
reactor fuel . In either case, it is an excellent starting material for
conversion to uranium metal or for eventual enrichment of the uranium-235
content. Both of these routes conventionally begin with calcining the nitrate
to UO3 and then reducing the trioxide with hydrogen to uranium
dioxide (UO2). Subsequent treatment of powdered UO2 with
gaseous hydrogen fluoride (HF) at 550° C (1,025° F) produces uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) and
water vapour, as in the following reaction:
UO2 + 4HF---> UF4 + 2H2O
Conversion to uranium metal
is accomplished through the Ames process, in which
UF4 is
reduced with magnesium (Mg) at temperatures exceeding 1,300° C (2,375° F). (In
an often-used modification of the Ames process, calcium metal is substituted
for magnesium.) Because the vapour pressureof
magnesium metal is very high at 1,300° C, the reduction reaction is performed
in a refractory-lined, sealed container, or “bomb.” Bombs
charged with granular UF4 and finely divided Mg (the latter in
excess) are heated to 500° to 700° C (930° to 1,300° F), at which point an
exothermic reaction occurs. The heat of reaction is
sufficient to liquefy the conversion contents of the bomb, which are
essentially metallic uranium and a slag of magnesium fluoride (MgF2):
UF4 +2Mg--> U + 2MgF2
When the bomb is cooled
to ambient temperature, the massive uranium metal obtained is, despite its
hydrogen content, the best-quality uranium metal available commercially and is
well suited for rolling into fuel shapes for nuclear reactors.
Uranium tetrafluoride can also be fluorinated at 350° C (660° F)
with fluorine gas to volatile uranium hexafluoride (UF6), which is fractionally
distilled to produce high-purity feedstock for isotopic enrichment. Any of
several methods—gaseous diffusion, gas centrifugation, liquid thermal
diffusion—can be employed to separate and concentrate the fissile uranium-235 isotope
into several grades, from low-enrichment (2 to 3 percent uranium-235) to fully
enriched (97 to 99 percent uranium-235). Low-enrichment uranium is typically
used as fuel for light-water nuclear reactors.
After enrichment, UF6 is reacted in
the gaseous state with water vapour to yield hydrated uranyl
fluoride (UO2F2 · H2O). Hydrogen reduction
of the uranyl fluoride produces powdered UO2, which can be used to
prepare ceramic nuclear reactor fuel. In addition, UO2 obtained from
enriched UF6 or from UF6 that has been
depleted of its uranium-235 content can be hydrofluorinated to yield UF4, and the tetrafluoride
can then be converted to uranium metal in the Ames process described above.
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