Saturday, 8 October 2016

The real problem among nations

      We are south Asian people. We are thinking in a wrong direction. We are quarreling among ourselves; Therefore, we remain divided and we suffer. Many a time we do it deliberately. There are many common issues to be solved collectively. If we work as united minded people, we can easily solve many problems. But when we divide, our problems start accumulating.
The step-mother attitude between India and Pakistan is one such example. If we start working and using our energy for common good work, it will be ever green heaven. India occupied a portion of Kashmir and Pakistan occupied another portion of Kashmir. The state is kept divided. Many wars were fought over this issue. If we think with a cool mind, we can realize it. what we gain out of it ?. We produce terror groups to create problems. Instead we can facilitate local people to work for betterment. Religion need not become an obstacle for development activity. We should learn how to respect the other man’s point of view. Technology abolished the boundaries between nations. Now-a-days many things can happen among peoples without the knowledge of governing class.
       If all the three parties sincerely make efforts to eliminate mutual hatred it would be still better situation. We do not need terror camps. We need world class teaching centers of science and arts and humanity. I think we can see towards west for learning skill developments. The Hinduism, the Islam, the Christianity and many more practices are only fine efforts to bring the people to be together for cooperation and not for creating isolation among people of a region. I think live and let live is best policy. War is not a solution against natural problems.
Why should one hate another person? We have same appearance, similar language and we originated from common ancestors.
       After Urie incident, India made surgical attack in POK and there were heated arguments from both ends. Throughout the week I went on monitoring the allegations and debates between the two contries. Sometimes I was under confusion in identifying who is Indian and who is Pakistani. We are all south Asians. We are all brothers of same mother the south Asia. We are running militant camps to kill our own people. And we feel proud of our skill in killing people. Sometimes we kill our own children for none of their fault. We want to make them Jihadis. Where are, we going really? The world is only one and we cannot hide in a single small world, our planet the earth. Internet connectivity will pull us out of our hiding holes. See the power of Facebook, the social media connecting us and exposing our activities both good and bad.
There are many natural problems like food, water, sanitation, health,peace of mind and so many. We need to fight against these odds together. We need to see our children play happily. But are we diverting from the basic way of “live and let live” path?
Humans are very small organisms of this ever-changing planet. It eliminated many races. Out time is limited on this small earth. You fly in a high altitude; can you distinguish the human beings. No, it is a single place for all. Suffering, inequality, illiteracy, superstition and many such things are our real enemies. Let us fight on these issues collectively for mutual common benefit of our people.

                                                                               Saturday, October 8, 2016

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