Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The heart is the center of the universe.


The heart is the centre of the universe.
Our thoughts and actions that matter; Thoughts are very powerful tools. And thoughts will lead to action. Can we control our thoughts? 
It is you that what makes you happy, not some one else. Respect the absolute freedom of life. Be liberal. Love what you do.  But your act should not come in the way of others freedom. What you expect of others, others also expect the same from you.
Do not keep your eye on someone’s property. Be satisfied with what is available for you. Satisfaction is richness, want is poverty.
            If we practice to live with minimum luggage, we are freer to move. Less luggage more comfort. Keep the bare minimum to be freer. Birds do not carry for tomorrow. They enjoy today and are happy.
            Completely immerse in what you do! Do not blame others; because it is your act. You are only responsible for what you are.
            I am not a citizen of Athens; I am not a citizen of Greece.  I am a citizen of the world. I am a part of the universe.
 They are not my creations, neither your creations, they have come out of the Devine principles. Empty thy mind. Keep it open, the truth enters in it, the beauty that pervades your being.

There is one God, one world and one family. It, the father and all are brothers and sisters. We forget that we are atmas, and we forget that we are brothers and sisters. We indulge in wrong actions like adultery, corruption, hatred and destruction.  We should surrender before the almighty, the Paramatma. What ever I am getting, the good or the bad is surrendered before you, the Supreme power, the God.
            When the desire is completely vanished, the anger also vanishes, and the peace pervades into our personality, the eternal truth opens before us and this state is called the liberation of Atma. Yogi is liberated Atma, and he is always at peace of mind and he is not attached to the actions.

The holy eight fold path:

Right belief            Right aspiration
                        Right speech
                                    Right conduct
Right means of livelihood
            Right exertion
                        Right mindfulness
                                    Right meditation.

Truthfulness and gentleness must characterize every word. Uprightness and absolute integrity must mask the conduct. 
            Let not one kill any living being; let not one take what is not given him, let not one speak falsely. Let not one drink intoxicating drinks. Let not one be unchaste. Let not one eat untimely food at night. Let not one wear wreaths or use perfumes. Let one lie on a bed spread on the earth.

            Take full responsibility
   Some one else’s opinion of you does not to become your reality.
You cannot control things in life such as nature, the past and other people.
However, you can control your own thoughts and actions.
Taking responsibility for your life is one of the most empowering things you can do.

    Live life on purpose. Write out a plan. Goals that are not in writing are not goals at all; they are merely fantasies. Become an expert. Never give up. Do not delay.

            Not by hatred, dear Digavu is hatred appeased. By love dear Digavu hatred is appeased.
            He in whom there is truth, virtue, love, restraint, moderation, he who is free from impurity and is wise, he is called an elder.
            The destruction of life, killing, cutting, binding, stealing, lying, fraud, adultery,  back biting, treachery, cruelty, intoxication, deceit, pride, and bad mind and wicked deeds are what define a man, who can be purified  neither by abstinence from fish or flesh nor by nakedness, tonsure, masked hair, dirt rough garments, penances, hymns, oblations, or sacrifices.


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