Monday, 19 April 2021


Ancient India

About three lakh years ago, homosepians appeared in African plains.

200000 BCE- Probable birth of Humans evolved on the planet Earth. Monkey to man.

80,000 BCE- Humans appeared in this part of the earth, Jumbo Dveepa [Indin sub-continent].

74000 years ago, a volcanic eruption in Indonesia, destroyed life in the central and southern regions of India. Very few survived this carbon smoke eruption.

14,500 BCE- Brahma lived in India, Birth of Manu.

14500-11500 BCE Proto Indic language developed.

13500 BCE- The sage Viswamitra’s period.

11500- 3000 BCE Early Brahmi script evolved.

11200 BCE- Enormous earthquake in Kashmir Lake and flooding in the western part of India.

10000 BCE- The star, Agastya was visible at the south pole from Kanyakumari, the southern tip of India.

11200 BCE -10200 BCE- Rigveda was written during this time span.

9000 BCE- Atharvana Veda was written during this period.

7000- 3000 BCE Indus script was developed.

6778 BCE- Surya Siddhanta was written by Mayasura.

6777-5577 - Tretayuga period [1200 years].

5677-5577 BCE- The period of Ramayana.

5674 BCE- Birth of Shri Rama.[3rd February 5674 BCE]

5635 BCE- Ravana was killed by Rama.[in a war].

5577- 3177 BCE- Dwapara yuga. [2400 years].

3162 BCE- The period of Mahabharatha.

3102 BCE- Start of Kaliyuga time.

18th February 3192 BCE- Start of Kaliyuga.

2982 BCE- SaamaVeda and Yajurveda were written.

2000-1900 BCE- River Saraswathi dried up. There was a widespread drought all over the Indian subcontinent. And migration started to the outside world from India.

3000-2500 BCE- Indus Script refinement.

2500-1300 BCE- Ashokan or Mauryan Brahmi scipt.

2000- 0 BCE-Dialects of local languages were developed.

1864 BCE- Budha attained Nirvana.

1662 BCE-Mahapadma Nanda’s period.

1596- 1459- Mauryas period.

1500 BCE-Brahmi script evolved.

1400 BCE- six Vedangas were written.

1250BCE - 600 CE-Kushana Brahmi.

1200 BCE- Vedanga Jotisha


0719 BCE- Karttikadi Vikrama Era.

0057 CE- Chitradi Vikram Era.


0700BCE- Surya Siddhantha was re-written.


583 BCE- Saka Era

78 CE -Sakanta Era


0509 BCE- Adi Shankaracharya’s period. 

[Indian textbook errors-1380 years].


540 BCE-Tamil Brahmi script evolved in Palani.

0600 BCE- Kanaadha’s theory of matter[Atom].

0570-495 BCE- Pythagoras time. His Indian connection.

0300-400CE Devanagari Script evolved.

499 ACE- Aryabhata-I. A great mathematician and scientist.

598 ACE- Brahmagupta.

600 ACE- Bhaskara-I

950 ACE-Aryabhata-II


Indian time scale:

8000 years- Satya yuga [from 14500 to 6777 BCE] Vedic period.

1200 years -Treta yuga [6777 to 5577 BCE]

2400 years- Dwapara yuga [5577 to 3102 BCE]


Precession duration: 25700 years cycle.