district of Andhra Pradesh
Oxidative pressure
leaching of uranium from a dolomitic limestone ore:
India has a
medium-tonnage, low-grade uranium ore deposit of siliceous dolomitic
phosphatic limestone type, in Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh.
Detailed exploration carried out in a stretch of about 9 km in this
area, established a resource of 29000 t of U3 O8 with a cut-off grade
of 0.025% U3 O8. Mineralogical studies on an exploratory mine ore
sample from this area, indicated the occurrence of uranium values
predominantly as ultra-fine dissemination, in lighter gangue minerals
(specific gravity less than 3.2). It also occurs, albeit to a minor
extent, in the form of ultra-fine pitchblende in association with
pyrite, as disseminations in collophane-rich parts, coffinite and as
U-Ti complex. Carbonate minerals constitute the major gangue present
in the form of dolostone (~80%). Siliceous minerals in the ore are
quartz, feldspar and chlorite (13%). Collophane (4%) is the only
phosphate bearing phase. Pyrite is the predominant sulphide ore
mineral, along with few grains of chalcopyrite and galena. The iron
bearing oxides are magnetite, ilmenite and goethite. Heavy media
separation of various closely-sized feed fractions, using bromoform
(BR) and methylene iodide (MI) liquids, have indicated that about 91%
of the uranium values are present in lighter minerals (specific
gravity <3.2), as ultra-fine disseminations. The remaining 9% of
uranium values reported in methylene iodide heavy fraction, are
accounted by discrete pitchblende, which is mostly associated with
pyrite and collophane. Pitchblende occurring with pyrite is present
as fine orbicular cluster, separated by thin disconnected rims of
pyrite or as garlands around pyrite.
Leaching Chemistry
of Uranium Minerals
The common oxidation
states of uranium, in its minerals like uraninite, pitchblende,
coffinite and numerous others, are +4 and +6. Amongst the two
oxidation states, U+6 is soluble in aqueous media under suitable EH –
pH conditions, while U+4 is practically insoluble. The uranium
minerals occurring in various ore deposits consist predominantly of
uranous ion (U+4), necessitating the use of an oxidant and other
lixiviants, for quantitative dissolution during leaching. The type of
leaching - acid or alkaline mode depends upon the host rock. Sulfuric
acid is the common leachant in acid leaching process, while Na2 CO3 -
NaHCO3 , (NH4 ) 2CO3 and NH4 HCO3 are the widely used lixiviants in
alkaline leaching of uranium ores. The oxidant reagents could be
either chemical or gaseous in nature. A typical chemical reaction in
alkaline leaching of UO2 with carbonate ions and oxidant (X) is given
in Equation 1, a similar equation can be written for the sulfuric
acid leaching process. UO2 + 3CO3 -2 + X [UO2(CO3) 3 ] -4 + X-2 .
Atmospheric alkaline
leaching studies, carried out on this ore sample, by varying
important process parameters like mesh-of-grind, temperature, contact
time, dosages of leachants - sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate,
solids concentration and type of oxidant, gave a maximum U3O8
leachability of 65%. Studies with other oxidants like NaOCl, Cu-NH3,
oxygen and air gave poor leachability in comparison to KMnO4,
emphasizing the need for strong oxidizing conditions during the
dissolution process. However, as KMnO4 cannot be used as an oxidant
on commercial scale due to its expensive nature, the only alternative
is to carryout the leaching reaction in a pressure reactor, using a
gaseous oxidant. Since the solubility of oxygen diminishes with
increasing temperature, adoption of higher partial pressure aids in
increased dissolved oxygen concentration. Detailed analysis of the
leach residue obtained in the atmospheric leaching experiments
indicated, that uranium values associated with pyrite are not
completely leached at temperatures <1000 C. Further, some of the
locked-up uranium values in various gangue phases, require more
aggressive diffusion conditions for penetration of the leachant to
the desired mineral interface. Both these requirements can be
realized only at elevated temperature and under sustained oxidizing
conditions, possible in an autoclave reactor. Leaching at elevated
temperature and pressure was initially carried out in a laboratory, 5
liter S.S. autoclave reactor equipped with necessary instrumentation
and control to maintain preset temperature, overpressure and
agitation speed of the impeller. All the autoclave leaching
experiments were carried out, at optimum dosage combination of sodium
carbonate and sodium bicarbonate evolved in atmospheric leaching,
that is - 50 kg/ton and - 70 kg/ton respectively. The autoclave
leaching studies mainly addressed the dissolution of uranium
associated with pyrite and the scope of replacing KMnO4 with
industrial oxygen. Figs. 3 and 4, illustrate the effect of
temperature and contact time on the leachability of uranium values,
observed under aggressive conditions. About 75% of uranium values
were leached at a reaction temperature of 125 - 130°C in 3 h of
contact time, using a feed ground to 65% weight finer than 200#.
Increasing the fineness of grind in -200# to 85% showed, an
enhancement in leachability to about 80%. Based on these results,
large-scale leaching studies were carried out, both on batch and
continuous leach reactor, to generate necessary scale-up and
engineering data for industrial scale reactor, besides verifying the
reproducibility of results at higher-scale of operation. Both the
batch and cigar type continuous reactor were of 850 liter capacity
with inconel 600 as material of construction. Largescale studies
confirmed the results generated in batch scale experiments. At
present, DAE is setting-up a 3000 tpd capacity uranium mill at site,
wherein two 720 m3 capacity autoclave reactors with inconel 600
cladding for the wetted parts will be used. This will be the first
uranium plant, using autoclave leaching technology in India.