History of Cell Biology
During the 17th Century
· 1665 Robert Hooke had successfully
invented the microscope. Because of this discovery, Robert Hooke was the first
one to have a close look of a cell appears to be. His description of these
cells was published in Micrographia.
However, the cell walls observed by Hooke gave no indication of the nucleus and
other organelles found in most living cells.
· 1674
A live cell was observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the very first successful
effort to do such.
During the 18th Century
· There
were not much discovery in the field of Cell Biology during
this time. It took another hundred years after those first cell observations
for the ubiquitous nature of cells to be fully recognized.
During the 19th Century
·1825 French scientist Francoise Raspail established one of the concepts
of cell theory: that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. The basis of this
was the witnessing of binary fission under a microscope wherein a single cell
divided into two daughter cells.
·1836 Theodore Schwann and Matthias Scleiden proposed the cell theory in
1836. The concept of the theory holds that: (1) The cell is the unit of
structure, physiology, and organization in living things, (2) The cell retains
a dual existence as a distinct entity and a building block in the construction
of organisms, (3) Cells form by free-cell formation, similar to the formation
of crystals (spontaneous generation).
·1855 The third doctrine of Schwann and Scleiden was proven wrong by
Rudolf Virchow. In this year, he formally enunciated in his powerful dictum
that, “Omnis cellula e cellula“, which
is translated as “All cells only arise from
pre-existing cells“.
· In the middle of the 19th century,
Scientists had accepted the fact that it was simply not possible to view cell
structures which measure less than a half of a micrometer with the use of a
microscope. But because of the development of the cathode ray tube, they’ve
later discovered that aside from using light, electrons can be used to view
these structures.
20th Century up to the present
1919 Phoebus
Levene, a Russian physician and chemist, first discovered the order of the
three major components of a single nucleotide (phosphate, pentose sugar, and
nitrogenous base). He was also the first to discover the carbohydrate component
of RNA (ribose), and carbohydrate component of DNA (deoxyribose). Years later,
Levene finally identified how DNA and RNA molecules are put together
·1933 The first prototype of the electron microscope was constructed. It
is a type of microscope which utilizes a beam of electrons to create an image
of the specimen.
·1943 A
scientist named Erwin Chargaff began to challenge Levene’s previous
conclusions. In 1950, he noted that the nucleotide
composition of DNAdiffers among species and do not repeat in the same order reached
two major conclusions.
· Chargaff
concluded that almost all DNA, no matter what organism or tissue type it comes
from, still maintains certain properties, even as its composition varies. He
postulated the “Chargaff’s Rule” which says that the amount of cytosine is
equal to the amount of guanine, and the amount of thymine is equal to the
amount of adenine. In short, the total amount of pyrimidines (thymine and
cytosine) approximates the amount of purines (adenine and guanine).
·1951 Meanwhile in the field of cytology, George Grey has successfully
made the first continuous cell line to be cultured. The cell line was derived
from the cervical cancer cells of Henrietta Lacks, thus these cells were
referred to as HeLa cells. These cells played a significant role in the course
of cell biology.
·1953 James Watson and Francis Crick derived the three-dimensional and
double helical model of the DNA (Pray 2009). After that, the process of
replicating the DNA was discovered.
·1961 The endeavor of cracking the genetic code started.
As with the rapid growth of molecular biology in the mid-20th century, cell biology research exploded. It became possible to maintain, grow, and manipulate cells outside of living organisms. The minimal media requirements for cells were characterized years later. Sterile cell culture techniques were further developed.
As with the rapid growth of molecular biology in the mid-20th century, cell biology research exploded. It became possible to maintain, grow, and manipulate cells outside of living organisms. The minimal media requirements for cells were characterized years later. Sterile cell culture techniques were further developed.
Further advances in electron microscopy greatly facilitated the development of
transfection methods. The process of genetic engineering, or the act of
modifying an organism’s genetic material either by adding genes or deleting
some parts of it, was declared as a separate field in the 1970s.
·1970 Reverse transcriptase in retroviruses was first discovered.
·1977 Frederick Sanger introduced the process of DNA sequencing. The
first ever organism to have its genome sequence is a bacteriophage.
·1980 The Polymerase Chain Reaction, a method used to amplify a copy of
a segment of a DNA was inverted by Kary Mullis .
1998 Hamilton
and Baulcombe discovered the siRNA as part of post-transcriptional gene
silencing in plants.